1. 招標條件
本招標項目 振華30輪艉軸封采購 招標人為上海振華重工(集團)股份有限公司,招標項目資金 來自 上海振華重工(集團)股份有限公司(資金來源),出資比例為 100%。該項目已具備招標條件,現對 項目 采購進行公開招標。
2. 項目概況與招標范圍
序號 | 物料名稱 | 材質型號 | 規格 | 單位 | 數量 |
3. 投標人資格要求
3.1 本次招標要求投標人須具備 (1)法人資格,能獨立承擔民事責任;(2)具有良好的商業信譽和財務會計制度;(3)具有履行合同所必需的設備和專業技術能力;(4)環境管理、職業健康及安全管理實施情況及績效說明(擁有14001\45001體系證書可免于提供);(5)近三年發生如生產安全事故,環保事故、分包商員工職業健康問題等被有關部門進行行政處罰或有異常信用記錄的,應提供書面分析改進報告。(未如實陳述者,我司有權取消中標資格及其他處罰措施。)資質, 近3年內有類似相關成功有效業績1例以上(有效業績的定義:①合同為同類型相關項目;②須提供該業績合同的復印件(包括但不限于合同首頁、雙方蓋章頁、總金額頁);③須提供該業績合同的項目驗收證明(如:業主證明或完工證明、驗收報告等)或該業績合同的所有收款憑證,以證明除驗收、質保外其他階段付款均已支付,(該業績合同的項目驗收證明或該業績合同的所有收款憑證可二選一提供);④所有證明文件在必要時需提供紙質原件備查。業績,并具有與本招標項目相應的供貨能力。
3.2 本次招標 不接受 (接受或不接受)聯合體投標。聯合體投標的,應滿足下列要 求: /。
(7)ISO 9001\14001\45001及其他管理體系證書(代理經銷商需同時提供自身及源頭生產廠家);
4. 招標文件的獲取
4.1 凡有意參加投標者,請于 2024 年 5 月 22 日 10 時至 2024 年 5 月 27 日 10 時(北京時間,下同),登錄中交集團供應鏈管理信息系統http://ec.ccccltd.cn完成投標報名并下載電子招標文件。
4.2 招標文件每套售價 0元,售后不退。
4.3.1 已在網并且已通過招標人層級供應商或已增加招標人為合作單位的供應商、上級供應商可直接報名參與。
4.3.2 在網平級單位供應商未增加招標人為合作單位需進行合作意向申請通過后報名參與。
4.3.3 未注冊供應鏈系統的單位需進行注冊,推薦單位或合作意向單位選擇招標人,審核通過后方可報名參與。
5. 投標文件的遞交
5.1 投標文件遞交的截止時間(投標截止時間,下同)以供應鏈系統為準,投標人應在截止時間前通過中交集團供應鏈管理信息系統遞交電子投標文件。
5.2 逾期送達的投標文件,中交集團供應鏈管理信息系統將予以拒收。
5.3 電子采購的供應商報價文件由電子報價表及附件共同組成。當電子報價表與附件內容沖突時,應以電子報價表的數據為準。
6. 聯系方式
招 標 人: 上海振華重工(集團)股份有限公司
地 址: 上海浦東新區東方路3261號
聯 系 人: 孫佳
電 話: 021-31190281
電子郵件: sunjia@zpmc.com
技術聯系人: 沈輝 電話: 15800596306
技術聯系人郵箱: shenhui1@zpmc.com
戶 名:上海振華船運有限公司
開 戶 行:工商銀行上海市分行第二營業部
帳 號:1001190709004604919
稅 號:913101156306085120
2024年 5月 22日
附件1 采購清單
序號 | 設備名稱 | 設備型號 | 制造商 | 備件名稱 | 備件號 | 規格 | 單位 | 品牌 | 數量 |
1 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SR 3AS/OLS3A P 0850 BIO FR AFT KIT | AFT01-08 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
2 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SR 3AS/OLS3A P 0850 BIO FR AFT KIT | SS-10046 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
3 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | O-RING 35X0760 NBR | AFT01-09 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
4 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SHEET PACKING 850 NO.4 NonASBESTOS NR | AFT01-10 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
5 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SHEET PACKING 850 NO.8 NonAS SP OD 1140 | AFT01-11 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
6 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SHEET PACKING 850 NO.8NonAS SP OD 1140 | AFT01-12 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
7 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | PLUG-PRL HEX SKT HEAD G 1/4 SUS316 W | AFT01-20A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 3 |
8 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | PLUG-PRL HEX SKT HEAD G 3/8 SUS316 W | AFT01-20B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 6 |
9 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-FLAT 20X14X1.5 G 1/4 C1100P-0 | AFT01-21A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 3 |
10 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-FLAT 25X18X1.5 G 3/8 C1100P-0 | AFT01-21B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 6 |
11 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SW-PACK-TOOTHED:M12-20 SUS304 | AFT01-23A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 4 |
12 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-TonGUED M14 SUS304 | AFT01-23B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 8 |
13 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SUS WIRE ¢1.5SUS304 | AFT01-25 | 無 | 米 | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 11 |
14 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | O-RING 2.4X14.8 JISP015 NBR | AFT01-28 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 5 |
15 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | P-RING 0850 NBR | AFT01-30A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
16 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SPRING-P-RING 0850 SUS316 | AFT01-30B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
17 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | HEX.SOCKET HEAD BOLT 304M12-25L | AFT01-31B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 16 |
18 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SPRING WASHER M12 SUS304 | AFT01-31C | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 16 |
19 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | PLUG WITH BAR G3/8-72L SUS304 | AFT01-32A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 2 |
20 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-FLAT 25X18X1.5 G 3/8 C1100P-0 | AFT01-32B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 2 |
21 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-TonGUED M20 SUS304 | AFT01-7A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 2 |
22 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | WASHER-TonGUED M22 SUS304 | AFT01-7B | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 2 |
23 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SR MK2/OLS2-P 0850 BIO FR FWD KIT | FWD03-06 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
24 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SHEET PACKING 850 NO.8 NonASBESTOS NR | FWD03-07 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
25 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | O-RING 8.4-775(ID)FR | FWD03-08 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
26 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | SW-PACK-TOOTHED:M12-20 SUS304 | FWD03-17 | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 1 |
26 | 艉軸封 | 3AS | WARTSILA | AL ANODE 750-850,1000-1060,1180,1250 | AFT01-31A | 無 | pc | 原廠件或其他同等品牌 | 8 |
Trade Safety Management Notification
尊敬的供應商Dear supplier:
Our company is an AEO senior certification enterprise. As a business partner of our company, now your company is required to improve your own trade safety management according to the optimization requirements of the relevant trade safety standards in the AEO senior certification. Please see the attachment for the specific standards. Please kindly be aware of the requirements of this notification and the attachment and give the sealed or signed notification to us.
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
We have read and understood the above requirements of your company.
商業伙伴名稱Name of Business Partner:
被授權人簽字 The Signature of the Authorized Person:
日 期 Date:
Trade Safety Standard of AEO Enterprise
1. Safety of material handling site and warehouse
There is a checking procedure to prevent unmarked goods and unauthorized personal access to site specific. There are written policies and procedures for cargo handling and storage areas. There are isolation measures for import and export goods in and out of the region, preventing unauthorized access.
1.1 Gate: Guard stationed for both staff and vehicle entrance & exits.
1.2. Building structures: The way buildings are built can prevent illegal entry. Regular inspection and repair of buildings to ensure that the buildings are in good condition.
1.3. Lighting: The sites of production and business operation are equipped with adequate lighting, including the following areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage area, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1.4. Safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system: In order to prevent unauthorized access to cargo storage and working areas, safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system cover following areas: entrance & exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1.5. Storage area: Isolation facilities should be set to prevent unauthorized personnel access in the cargo handling and storage areas, as well as in the storage area of goods to be imported and exported.
1.6. Locking devices and key keeping: All internal and external windows, doors and fences should be equipped with sufficient locking devices. Management or security personnel keep all locks and keys.
2. Safety of personnel and vehicle access
Enterprises implement access control management. There are written systems and procedures to implement the entry and exit of employees and visitors and to protect the company's assets.
2.1. Employees:There is an employee identification system, which carries out identification and entry control for employees. Unified management and registration are carried out for the issuance and recycling of identity marks of employees and visitors (e.g. keys, key cards, etc.).
2.2.Visitors: Visitors entering the enterprise should check the ID card with photos and register. Visitors should wear temporary identification and be accompanied by internal staff.
2.3. Unidentified persons without entering permission:There are rocedures for identification, inquiry and confirmation of unidentified persons without entering permission. Employees should report entry of suspicious person in time.
3. Personnel safety
The company has written systems and procedures for reviewing employees to be hired and regularly reviewing existing employees, and provides a list of employees, including name, date of birth, id number for holding positions which can be updated in real time.
3.1. Pre-employment verification: Before hiring an employee, verification of the application information (e.g. employment experience, recommendation letter, etc.) is needed.
3.2.Background survey:Before hiring an employee, it should be checked or investigated for the safety background such as whether there is a criminal record or not. once hired, regular reviews and re-surveys should be conducted to employees in sensitive and important positions on the basis of employee performance.
3.3. Procedure of the employees leave: There are written systems and procedures for timely recovery of work certificates and equipment for employees leaving or suspending their jobs, who should be forbidden to enter the production and operation sites of enterprises and to use enterprise information systems.
3.4. Safety training: Employees should be provided with daily training on supply chain security awareness. They need to understand the enterprise's response to a certain situation and reporting procedures.
4. Safety of business partner
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for assessing, requiring, and inspecting the supply chain safety of business partners.
4.1. Comprehensive assessment:In screening business partners, a comprehensive assessment of business partners should be conducted in accordance with this certification standard, focusing on compliance and trade safety, with written systems and procedures.
4.2. Written documents: Commercial partners are required to optimize and improve trade safety management in contracts, agreements or other written materials in accordance with this certification standard.
4.3. Monitoring and Inspection: Monitoring or inspecting business partners’ compliance with trade safety requirements regularly. Written systems and procedures are also required.
5. Cargo safety
Enterprises have measures and procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of goods in the supply chain during transportation, handling and storage.
5.1. Shipment and acceptance of goods: The goods arriving must correspond to the information on the goods document. The weight, label, number of pieces or number of boxes of the goods should be verified. Offshore goods should be verified with the contents of purchase or shipment orders. Protecting system such as signing and sealing should be set in the key link of the goods delivery.
5.2. Discrepancy of the goods: The enterprise should report timely or take corresponding measures when the goods are found short or over or abnormal. Written systems and procedures are also required.
6. Container safety
There are measures and procedures to ensure the integrity of containers so as to prevent the entrance of unauthorized goods or personnel.
6.1. Container inspection: The physical integrity and reliability of the container structure, including the reliability of the locking system of the door should be inspected before loading. Relevant registration should be made. A seven-point inspection is recommended, which is to check containers in the following order: front wall, left side, right side, floor, top, inside/outside door, outside/landing gear.
6.2.集裝箱封條:對裝貨集裝箱施加高安全度的封條,所有封條都符合或者超出現行PAS ISO 17712對高度安全封條的標準,封條有專人管理、登記。有施加和檢驗封條的書面制度和程序,以及封條異常的報告機制。
6.2. Container seal: High security seals should be attached to loaded containers. All seals should meet or exceed the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high security seals, being supervised and sealed by specially-assigned person. There are written policies and procedures applied for attachment and inspection of the seal. Reporting mechanism should be set for abnormal seal.
6.3. Container storage: The container should be kept in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or modification. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized access to containers or container storage areas.
7. Vehicle safety
Enterprises have written systems and procedures to ensure the integrity of transport (trailers and hand cars) and to prevent unauthorized persons or items from being mixed in.
7.1. 運輸工具的檢查程序:有專門程序或制度檢查出入運輸工具,防止藏匿可疑物品。
7.1. Transport inspection procedures: There should be a specific program or system to check all transportation vehicles, preventing the concealment of suspicious items.
7.2. Transportation vehicles storage: Transportation vehicles should be parked in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or other damages. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized entry or damage.
7.3.Verification of driver’s identity: The driver’s identity should be verified before the goods are received or issued.
8. Crisis management
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.1. Emergency mechanism: Emergency procedures or mechanisms have been set for reporting and dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.2. Emergency training: Emergency training should be arranged for employees.
8.3.Report of the abnormal:If any abnormal situation, illegal or suspicious activity, such as disaster or emergency safety accident, is found, it shall be reported to the Customs or other relevant law enforcement agencies.
電話: 021-31190281
2024年 5 月 22 日