1. 海油工程多功能海洋船舶建造項目船用電力推進系統購置 標段
交貨數量:2臺 。2 sets
招標范圍:船用主推進器2套。詳細招標范圍詳見技術要求 2 sets of Main Azimuth Thruster. The detailed scope of tender is described in technical requirements.
生產能力:滿足招標文件要求。Meet the requirements of the bidding documents
資格要求:一、資格要求:1.如果投標人為中華人民共和國境內注冊公司,需提供有效的營業執照(具備獨立法人資格)、一般納稅人證明/稅務登記證、組織機構代碼證復印件或三合一營業執照,投標時提供原件掃描件(原件備查)。如果投標人為分公司的,應具有有效的證照合一的營業執照和總公司合法授權書。總公司與分支機構只可一家參與投標,同時參與投標視為投標無效。如果投標人為事業單位的,投標人應經全國各級事業單位登記管理機關核準登記或者備案,具有合法有效的事業單位法人證書。如出現單位負責人為同一人或者存在控股、管理關系的情況,相關投標均無效,招標人隨時有權作出拒絕投標、取消投標資格、取消授標、不簽訂合同或在合同簽訂后終止合同等決定,相關投標人須無條件接受,且由此造成的任何損失由投標人承擔。如果投標人為境外注冊公司,需提供有效的公司登記注冊證明。2.投標人應為本次投標所投產品的制造商,本次招標不接受代理商投標。如投標人為其所在集團公司內唯一負責銷售的銷售公司則視投標人為制造商(投標人應提供能夠證明上述事項的證明文件)。投標人以自己制造的貨物參與投標的不能再將此貨物同時授權給其他投標人參與投標,否則相關的所有投標將被拒絕。Qualification Requirements:1. If the bidder is a registered company in the People's Republic of China, it is necessary to provide a valid business license (with independent legal personality), general taxpayer certificate/tax registration certificate, copy of organization code certificate or three-in-one business license, and provide a scanned copy of the original (original for reference) when bidding. If the bidder is a branch company, it shall have a valid business license and a legal authorization letter of the head office. only one of the head office and its branches may participate in the bidding, and the bid shall be deemed invalid if it participates in the bidding at the same time. If the bidder is a public institution, the bidder shall be approved and registered or put on record by the national public institution registration and administration authorities at all levels, and have a legal and valid certificate of legal person of the public institution. If the person in charge of the unit is the same person or there is a holding and management relationship, the relevant bid is invalid, and the tenderer has the right to make decisions at any time such as rejecting the bid, canceling the bid qualification, canceling the award of the bid, not signing the contract or terminating the contract after the signing of the contract, which shall be unconditionally accepted by the relevant bidder, and any losses resulting therefrom shall be borne by the bidder. If the bidder is an overseas registered company, a valid certificate of company registration shall be provided.2. The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the products submitted in this tender, and the tender of agents is not accepted. If the bidder is the only sales company responsible for the sales within its group company, the bidder shall be deemed to be the manufacturer (the bidder shall provide supporting documents to prove the above matters). Bidders who participate in the bidding with their own manufactured goods shall not authorize the goods to other bidders to participate in the bidding at the same time, otherwise all relevant bids will be rejected.二、資質要求:無Certification Requirements:none三、業績要求:1.自2009年1月1日起至資審申請文件遞交截止時間(以合同簽訂日期為準),投標人需提供兩船套(用于兩條船)及以上投標品牌推進器到貨驗收業績,且推進器需為安裝在DP2或DP3海洋工程船上(海洋工程船舶是指平臺供應船、三用工作船、平臺守護船、物探船、鋪管船、起重船、FPSO),且推進器為全回轉舵槳類型,且單臺額定功率不小于3500kW。2.投標人須按規定格式提交業績表,并提交相關業績證明文件。業績證明文件至少包括:1)銷售合同復印件(含相關技術附件)和2)到貨驗收證明文件。投標人所提交的業績證明文件必須至少體現以下內容:合同首頁、簽字蓋章頁、合同簽署時間、貨物名稱、船舶DP等級、船舶類型、推進器功率、到貨驗收證明(到貨驗收證明可以是到貨交接簽收文件或對應的箱單、提單、發票復印件或驗收報告或調試驗收證明等)。未提交業績證明文件,或所提供的業績證明文件無法體現上述內容的,均視為無效業績。Performance requirements:1. From January 1, 2009 to the deadline for submission of the Prequalification Application documents (subject to the contract signing date), the bidder shall provide two sets of vessel (for two vessel) and the delivery acceptance performance of the above bid brand Azimuth Thruster. The Azimuth Thruster must be installed on the DP2 or DP3 offshore engineering vessel (the offshore engineering vessel refers to the platform supply vessel, three-purpose working vessel, platform guard vessel, geophysical exploration vessel, pipe laying vessel, crane vessel, FPSO), and the Azimuth Thruster is the type of full rotary rudder paddle, and the rated power of a single unit is not less than 3500kW.2. The bidder shall submit the performance table in the prescribed format, and submit the relevant performance proof documents. Performance proof documents shall include at least: 1) copies of sales contracts (including relevant technical attachments) and 2) arrival and acceptance proof documents. The performance proof documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents: contract first page, signature and seal page, contract signing time, cargo name, ship DP grade, ship type, Azimuth Thruster rated power, arrival acceptance proof (arrival acceptance proof can be the arrival delivery signature document or the corresponding packing list, bill of lading, copy of invoice or acceptance report or debugging acceptance certificate). Failure to submit performance proof documents, or the performance proof documents provided cannot reflect the above contents, shall be deemed invalid performance.
招標文件領取時間:2023年11月20日 至 2023年11月27日
投標文件遞交截止時間:2023年12月01日 09時00分
開標時間:2023年12月01日 09時00分
地 址:天津港保稅區海濱十五路199號國際貿易與航運服務區3號樓A座A1001室
聯 系 人:張鵬
郵 編:300461
地 址:北京市東城區東直門外小街6號海油大廈4層
聯 系 人:李偉
郵 編:100027